
AWS Summit 2022 Berlin


AWS summit Berlin 2022

On 12th May, I attended AWS Summit Berlin. The place is huge and clean and what I'm impressed with was that they offered free Curry 36. I didn't get one because there was always a long line of people waiting for that.

Of course, I enjoyed not only the drinks and the food, but the sessions.

Full-stack web and mobile development with cloud-based backend

It was made by René Brandel, the Principal Product Manager of AWS Amplify. The session was about how we develop and deploy Front-end applications using Amplify Studio. René demonstrated to us the whole flow, from design to deployment in 45 minutes. Honestly, it was amazing.

Amplify natively integrates with Figma and GraphQL. With it, the development process becomes:

  1. Design interface with Figma
  2. Open VS Code, connect with Amplify
  3. Download React components from Amplify Studio
  4. Build application using those components

In most cases, we request data from Back-end and display results. It will be:

  1. Design GraphQL and prepare data in Amplify Studio
  2. Front-end apps just call endpoint using GraphQL clients

After all, when it becomes ready to deploy to the staging environment, it requires just a few commands:

amplify add hosting
<select the plugin to execute...>
amplify publish

The app is hosted on a "" domain.

Resources are here:

I haven't tried it yet but I'm sure it boosts Front-end development, especially with React. Not it exports only React components but in the future, it might support other Frameworks like Vue or Svelte. Or, as long as it exports lit elements, we don't have to care about framework because lit is supposed to work with whatever framework or standalone.

Currently, I work as an Android Developer but I will try it out anyway. Besides the components export, Amplify Studio supports GraphQL integration. In many cases, we mobile app developers have to mock Web API responses until they are ready on the Back-end side. But with Amplify we can create and provide whatever testing data we need in Front-end apps.

The problem is that we haven't used GraphQL yet in our application so my next TODO is looking into the possibility to launch a GraphQL server as an API GateWay or Backend-For-Frontends.